EMS Protocol of the Week - Non-Traumatic Cardiac Arrest (Pediatric)

Not a ton of difference between the prehospital protocol for pediatric non-traumatic arrest when compared to its adult counterpart, at least in terms of the interventions available. The same medications and electricity can be found in the pediatric toolbox as well, albeit with more of an emphasis on age-and-weight-appropriate dosing, which is explicitly described within the protocol for your reference. Similarly to adult arrests, you may encounter OLMC calls requesting orders for calcium, sodium bicarb, or antiarrhythmics like amiodarone. 

Also worth noting is the caveat describing effective BVM use as a "reasonable alternative" to other advanced airways when needed; the point being that, given the predominance of respiratory etiologies in this population, it is likely more beneficial to focus on adequate bagging and mask seal rather than spend multiple attempts trying to intubate a difficult airway. 

Keep this protocol flagged for future use, as it's a great way to offload memorizing doses for some of these critical meds. Not that any of us would have to do that, since clearly these calls are incredibly low-stress (just...kid-ding?).

Ok bye. www.nycremsco.org for more.
